Thursday, July 30, 2009


I wish, I wish, I wish lab meetings weren't at noon. At least next week they'll be later so I can safely get lunch in between. The lab in class was cool today though, and now this work in the lab is tedious but Sue does need it done.


Happy birthday Duygu! The party was fun even if I can't win at euchre. and the PhD defense, although way over my head, was pretty cool nonetheless. I also prepared for the coding for Sue and did some Matlab work for Thomas. Still learning how to use it...but still.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Class let out early today, and I think that I should check out the lab for class. Duygu's birthday is tomorrow! And the bike ride thingy was pretty fun, too. Hopefully I can pump up my tires and do this more often. Maybe next time I'll actually be on time.

Monday, July 27, 2009


It was one of those long days I guess. The morning took a long time, and I don't think I understand MATLAB very well. But that's what Paul is for, and he's helpful and I think I'll be able to do my part. Then the afternoon just whipped by. So tomorrow, after class, I'm helping with Sue's thingy.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


So I discovered that it's pretty cool to have an experiment going on in your lab while you are working, especially if you are going to be a subject later. I had to (or got to, if you prefer) leave the lab every half hour or so for 5 minutes. I thought it was a good way to take a break from the work and see more around the building. The darkrooms are definitely cool, and lunch was pretty fun today. It went well and I have lots of stuff to do on Monday.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wednesday (a bit late)

It was a long one. I didn't really know what I was supposed to be doing, because on Thomas' project we're running out of people and I still haven't seen any of the old products. We might have to go back and dig through more videos to find pictures of all the old project. And Mom was late to pick me up so I wandered around and read the Reporter which is pretty cool.


It was a structured day. I got here early to do my homework, then went to my class (test was okay, wish I remembered to make a cheat sheet), and then ate lunch and went to boot camp.Not bad. I learned about Yarbus and I believe I will be participating in an experiment tomorrow. And after I got home, working at the library 6-9. Sleeping like a rock is inevitable.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Tuesday was busy. Thursday will be too, I guess. First a class, then lunch, then Boot Camp. (the musical.) It's okay, at least I have something to do rather than crop pictures, Boot Camp was pretty engaging and the cropping function got screwed up somehow. I'll fix that tomorrow..

Monday, July 20, 2009

Another Monday

It's hard coming back from a vacation, I think. But I got some real work today: find that key! And I somewhat know what I'm going to be doing for the rest of this internship. I'm helping Thomas in identifying products by color. A lot of information on that this morning but nothing I can't handle. Bad news: test on Thursday. I'm gonna have to read that book for quite a while.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 4: A Horrible Experience Has Happened

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. I only had to snooze the alarm once. I went to RIT and was immediately swept up. From 9-12 I had the class that I take. Then from 12-2 there was a lab meeting that I forgot about, leaving me lunchless. Then from that meeting I went to our IDL course. Then after that I went home. It was new, for me, not having lunch, but I did enjoy work today, all the meetings and classes were definitely interesting if not enjoyable.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

IDL - A New Hope

Noooowwww I get it. When we take it a bit slower and all work together more people are getting a handle on how this thing works. And I got my first material task in the Visual lab today too. We're in charge of the software for a new biofeedback machine. A good day.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Today is Tuesday

PRO Day_of_the_week

  date = systime(0)

  day = strmid(date,0,3)


  switch day of

    'Mon': $


      day = 'Monday'

      day_num = 1



    'Tue': $


    day = 'Tuesday'

    day_num = 2



    'Wed': $


    day = 'Wednesday'

    day_num = 3



    'Thu': $


    day = 'Thursday'

    day_num = 4



    'Fri': $


    day = 'Friday'

    day_num = 5



    'Sat': $


    day = 'Saturday'

    day_num = 6



    'Sun': $


    day = 'Sunday'

    day_num = 7



    else: day = 'This is not a day!'



    PRINT, 'Today is ', day

    PRINT, 'It is day ',STRTRIM( STRING( day_num ), 1), ' day of the week.'



This has been today. Except the class was fun, in the morning.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 1

Well our building's fire alarm went off today. One student said he'd never heard it before so I bet this is all part of Joe Pow's elaborate scheme, or something. Convenient that it went off in the only room he can't get into?
Either way the scavenger hunt was great (go A Team!) and since I haven't done any real work yet, this is gonna be pretty cool. I'm gonna find that book though. It belongs there and we know where it is. "Photogrammetry" or something like that.